Revel in the Gothic grandeur of Milan Cathedral on an after-hours tour - Veneranda Fabbrica (2024)

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Revel in the Gothic grandeur of Milan Cathedral on an after-hours tour - Veneranda Fabbrica (2)


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Revel in the Gothic grandeur of Milan Cathedral on an after-hours tour - Veneranda Fabbrica (12)

Revel in the Gothic grandeur of Milan Cathedral on an after-hours tour - Veneranda Fabbrica (13)

Hear its stories, discover secret spaces, and enjoy exclusive access to the iconic Cappella Iemale


The Experience

Immerse yourself in the beauty of one of the world's most spectacular churches on a private, after-hours tour of Milan Cathedral. An expert guide will share anecdotes about this magnificent example of Gothic architecture as you explore its massive nave and smaller spaces that are often overlooked. You'll even get access to an area that's off-limits on standard tours: the intricately patterned Winter Chapel (Cappella Iemale). Exclusively for Mastercard cardholders.


Listening to the whispers of history with your favourite travellers on an after-hours tour of the world's third-largest cathedral.

The highlights

  • Experience Milan Cathedral on a private tour with an expert guide
  • Hear anecdotes about the cathedral's rich history
  • Take in the grandeur of the nave and explore lesser-known spaces
  • Gain rare access to the enchanting Winter Chapel


  • Priceless experiences are reserved for Mastercard cardholders
  • Participants must be 12 years old and older; minors must be accompanied by an adult
  • Experience is available in Englishat 7 p.m.
  • Experience is available in Italian at 8 p.m.
  • Price listed is for 1 person
  • Experience must be booked 5 business days before the event
  • Meeting point is on the right side of the cathedral, in front of ticket office I, located in Piazza Duomo 14/A, 10 minutes before the start time
  • Everyone entering must undergo security checks, as indicated inThe Regulations for Access to the Monumental Complex of the Milan Duomo;to facilitate security checks at the entrances to Duomo or the rooftops, participants must open any bags and empty pockets of metal objects
  • It is not permitted to enter the cathedral with helmets, glass objects, luggage, or any other items deemed dangerous by the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo
  • By clicking "Add to cart", you agree to all our Terms of Use
  • Terms & Conditions

Fine Print

  • This experience is non-refundable once purchased

Revel in the Gothic grandeur of Milan Cathedral on an after-hours tour - Veneranda Fabbrica (16)

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Revel in the Gothic grandeur of Milan Cathedral on an after-hours tour - Veneranda Fabbrica (2024)


Revel in the Gothic grandeur of Milan Cathedral on an after-hours tour - Veneranda Fabbrica? ›

The Experience

How long is the Duomo di Milano tour? ›

Enjoy a 1.5-hour tour of the Milan Cathedral complex, including the terraces and the archeological area beneath the cathedral. Discover the history of this famous monument with your expert guide. You'll also have access to the Duomo Museum and San Gottardo Church.

What does Mariae Nascenti mean? ›

Over the main entrance of the cathedral are the words in bronze letters: Mariae Nascenti, which can be roughly translated as 'to the Infant Mary'.

What is the meaning of the door in Milan Cathedral? ›

Joy and Sorrow of the Virgin Mary

This door is therefore the only remaining piece of evidence of an architecture that was never completed. The theme represented is the Joy and Sorrow of the Virgin Mary, to whom the Cathedral is dedicated.

Why is Milan Cathedral so famous? ›

Famous for its incredible size and history, the Milan Cathedral houses works of art collected over centuries. Although workers and architects began building the Milan Cathedral in 1386, it was not finished until 1965. It took 579 years to build.

Is the Milan Duomo Tour worth it? ›

A great place to visit for all the family and a must do in Milan. I would recommend buying a ticket in advance and include the elevator. If it is a hot day it can be exposed as you get higher on the roof. The cathedral is fantastic from both the outside and the in.

Should you buy Milan Duomo tickets in advance? ›

Tours & Tickets Milan Cathedral (Duomo di Milano)

Always try to book one of these Milan Cathedral tickets in advance to avoid disappointment and to be sure of your desired time slot. Tip: The cathedral and the roof terrace are also included in Milan's two popular city passes.

What is the red light in Milan Cathedral? ›

Standing in the central nave facing the altar, if you raise your eyes above the apse, you will notice a small red light in front of a large circular metal tabernacle. This is placed at a height of 40 meters and preserves the relic of the Sacred Nail, allegedly one of the nails from the cross of Christ's crucifixion.

Who is buried in the Cathedral of Milan? ›

Charles Borromeo. Its dome-like ceiling is embellished with stucco engravings depicting the Passion of Christ and the Eucharist. In the middle stands an altar that contains sacred relics of Saint Charles Borromeo and is surrounded by marble-blended Tuscan columns.

What are the rules for Milan Cathedral? ›

Knees and shoulders must be covered at all times. Buy your tickets online and well in advance to avoid standing in line for hours. A historic site like the Duomo Milan is best explored on a guided tour. Learn about the long history of the Cathedral from an expert tour guide.

What does Duomo mean in English? ›

Duomo (English: /ˈdwoʊmoʊ/, Italian: [ˈdwɔːmo]) is an Italian term for a church with the features of, or having been built to serve as a cathedral, whether or not it currently plays this role.

What is the most beautiful cathedral in Milan? ›

The Duomo cathedral is located in the Piazza del Duomo, Milan and is dedicated to St. Mary of the nativity. It's built on the site of the original cathedral that was destroyed by fire in 1075. Construction of the current Duomo began in 1386 and was inaugurated in 1965 – almost 600 years later!

What are the Gothic elements of Milan Cathedral? ›

Its classical elements include lower square bases under the buttresses and door and window trims that include a gable. The Gothic roofline is famous for its dense grid of pinnacles and spires supported by flying buttresses. The cathedral contains over 90 gargoyles and about 3,400 statues.

How long does it take to tour the Duomo? ›

For a comprehensive visit to Florence Duomo, plan approximately 1-2 hours to explore the main cathedral and museum. If you intend to fully experience the complex, including climbing the dome, allocate at least 2-3 hours.

How long did it take to complete Duomo di Milano? ›

The cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete: construction began in 1386, and the final details were completed in 1965. It is the largest church in the Italian Republic—the larger St.

How long is the line for the Duomo Milan? ›

Queue at Entrance

It's located on the left side of the cathedral and can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour of waiting time during the peak seasons.

Do you need a guided tour of Duomo? ›

Guided tours of the Florence Duomo are highly recommended. It is not necessary to enter the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral and Brunelleschi's Dome with a guide; however guided tours greatly enhance the experience. Lines are infamously long, and guided tours always include skip-the-line passes.


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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.