Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (2024)

Improved Effects Against Gastrointestinal

Alkaline ionized water relieves stomach discomfort, improves the function of the stomach, and relieves constipation. It can also be said to be effective for the following symptoms.

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (1)

The Close Relationship Between the Gut and the Brain

The gut and the brain are constantly sending signals to one another.

In some cases, this can lead to a negative, downward spiral. (1. Feeling stressed; 2. Abnormal intestinal movement, abdominal pain; 3. Increase in bad bacteria, decrease in beneficial types of intestinal bacteria; 4. Tendency to feel even more stressed).

*Editorial supervision: Shinichiro Ohtake, President of the Ohtake Gastrointestinal Clinic. Correct as of March 3, 2021. Please be aware that some information may have changed.

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (2)

Intestinal Bacteria—the Key to a Healthy Gut-Brain Relationship

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (3)

Intestinal bacteria are responsible for managing the gut’s environment. Good bacteria, for example, which include lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, not only aid in digestion and absorption, but also play an essential role in maintaining health by regulating the body’s immune functions.

On the other hand, many bad bacteria, such as staphylococcus and
E. coli, can cause a range of illnesses as they generate gases and produce carcinogens.

Opportunistic pathogens are another example of intestinal bacteria.
These are harmless in a healthy body, but become active when bad bacteria increase due to ill health. These bacteria move in the same way as the dominant bacteria ithe gutn.

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (4)

Scientists have recently discovered that imbalances in intestinal bacteria, the resulting dominance of bad bacteria, and the loss of intestinal bacteria diversity can cause ill health and a wide range of disorders.

Intestinal bacteria are not only linked to digestive disorders, but also a wide range of other disorders that can lead to lifestyle diseases, as well as familiar conditions such as obesity.

In recent years it has been found that short-chain fatty acids, which are produced by intestinal bacteria, are incredibly important to keeping the intestinal bacteria in good condition.

*Editorial supervison: Shinichiro Ohtake, president of the Ohtake Gastrointestinal Clinic. This information is as of March 3 2021. Please be aware that information may have changed.

Editoral Supervision

Shinichiro Ohtake

President of the Ohtake Gastrointestinal Clinic

After graduating from the Kobe University School of Medicine, Ohtake worked at various hospitals, overseeing more than10,000 endoscopies. He has also made numerousappearances in the Japanese media based on a strong desireto better Japanese medicine and get closer to his patients. His publications include 30 Ways to a Healthy Gut in Three Weeks.

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (5)

The Effects of Alkaline Ionized Water on
the Stomach and Intestines

Antacid Effect

6 volunteers from whom consent was received were given alkaline ionized water at pH9, pH10, and pH11 to drink (1L/day) and the results of measuring pH inside the stomach for 24 hours verified an increase in pH inside the stomach from drinking alkaline ionized water at pH9, which suggested an acid-control effect.

*27 General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Medical Science, “Usefulness and Reliability of Alkali Ion Water” 2007

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (6)

Improved effects against gastrointestinal

Patients with gastrointestinal symptoms (chronic diarrhea, constipation, abnormal fermentation in intestines, indigestion, acid indigestion, etc.) from whom consent was received were given alkaline ionized water at pH9.5 to drink for 2 weeks, and as a result, it was verified that there was an improvement in 88% of the 25 patients, and further, normalization of bowel movements was also verified.

*Excerpt from the website of the Association of Alkaline Ionized Water Apparatus. Itokawa Y: “An Overview on Researches of Potable Alkaline Water by Electrolysis,” J Functional Water Research Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 59-64 (2004).

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (7)

For a more objective evaluation, a double-blind comparison clinical test was carried out. Patients with gastrointestinal symptoms who had given their consent received alkaline ionized water or purified water to drink for four weeks and the resulting effects were checked. The results revealed that alkaline ionized water was effective for the stomach and intestines, especially in relatively mild cases. Its effectiveness for chronic diarrhea and constipation was also confirmed.

*Excerpt from the website of the Association of Alkaline Ionized Water Apparatus. Itokawa Y: “An Overview on Researches of Potable Alkaline Water by Electrolysis,” J Functional Water Research Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 59-64 (2004).

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (8)

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (9)

*These clinical tests have proven the effectiveness of alkaline ionized water for the stomach and intestines. However, unlike medicine, there’s no promise of an immediate effect. Instead, it is thought that the daily consumption of alkaline ionized water can lead to gentle and gradual effects on the relatively mild cases. Alkaline ionized water must be consumed properly. (Alkaline ionized water is not always effective for all stomach and intestinal conditions.)

Healthier Insides with Alkaline Ionized Water - Panasonic Vietnam (2024)


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